0Tuesday. 22nd [July 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 July 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 22nd [July 1902]. I went out in the morning to Wimborne House to see Ivor & bid him good bye before I left London. He tells me that Louis Du Cane has arranged to join Bircham’s firm & to give up the Wang & Du Cane house. This afternoon Mr Williams the stockbroker came to tea with Dacre Du Cane his partner in the city. I had not seen him for 4 years when he came to stay with us at Venice & when he fell in love with Ola & told her he would have liked to have married her only he had given a fatal promise to his deceased wife to marry her cousin. How stupid of people to try & arrange things in this world for after their lifetime. Daisy DC. came to stay with me for a day or two & Louis joined us at dinner.

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