0Friday. 15th [August 1902]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 August 1902 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Friday. 15th [August 1902]. After lunch Georgie came over & brought her cousin Mlle Madeleine de Peyronnet with her & they carried me back to Westcott to see a small house G. was rather inclined to hire but we dissuaded her for many reasons. Madeleine left soon for Dorking to catch a train & I & Georgie walked to Springfield the small house belonging to the Rates wh I had once rented of them, to visit Dr & Mrs Sanders the Dr from Cowes—great friends of Georgie’s, whose children are interested in my Henry’s works at Nineveh. From there I walked back to Milton & G. to Westcott. The Sanders came to dine that same evening. He is a very pleasant clever man–

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