0Monday. 18th [August 1902]—Hurstcote, Shere, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 August 1902 — Hurstcote, Shere, Surrey
Monday. 18th [August 1902]. A pouring wet day– Nellie returned to town & the rest left also directly after lunch. Mr Beaumont & Verona drove me over to Holmbury where Mr Wentworth Beaumont & Mrs B. have taken Mr Leveson Gower’s house for the summer. We lunched there. Mrs B. (once Lady Colley) was very évaporée & seemed terribly bored. The poor woman is killing herself with ennui & selfishness. I had a long chat with her husband who though very peculiar is pleasant & clever & has made himself thoroughly miserable by having chosen for his 2nd wife a woman quite unsuited to him. It is sad to think of 2 people with money & everything that ought to make life easy—so thoroughly uncomfortable & illmatched. I was specially sorry for him. When we got back to Shere it was still wet but Verona & I went off for a tramp in the rain & called on Miss Lewin, Mrs Grote’s niece & a great friend of Lady Eastlakes. She has got a tiny cottage near Shere.

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