0Thursday. 15th [January 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 15th [January 1903]. Still bitterly cold. I lent Nellie the electric brougham to drive to Uxbridge with C. Wyld to whom she is now really engaged & she tells me the engagement is to be given out as soon as he had left the army & got some business. They did not return till 7 P.M. having stuck at Harwell on their return for want of electric power. I asked Nellie about how matters stood between her & Capt. Wyld & she said they were only waiting to proclaim their engagement till he has left the army & found some business in the City to go in to instead. This relieves me of a long anxiety. I went out in the afternoon at 4 to the R. Academy to hear Val Prinsep’s lecture in art wh was excellent. He is a cultivated man & drew comparisons between Art & Literature. Onie & Oranmore came to tea. Capt. Wyld dined with us. Still hard frost & very cold.

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