0Tuesday. 20th January [1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 January 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 20th January [1903]. Foggy & damp but not so cold. Connie came to lunch & afterwards I took her out in the electric brougham & dropped her at her own house & then returned home to 5 o’cl tea. George Gordon (Lord Stanmore’s son), Verona Brooke, Capt. A. Glyn, Miss Harrington (a friend of Sophy’s) & Lady Robert Cecil came to tea—the latter looking very frail & delicate but very lovely. We had some talk about the possibility of finding occupation in S. Africa for some of the Du Cane girls—as it appears there are openings there for ladies. Sophy dined out & I with Sir Edward & Lady Poynter where I met Sir Wm & Lady Richmond, Mr Douglas Long & Dr Ettore Modigliani one of the Inspectors of the Borghese Gallery. A pleasant man & I had after dinner a long talk with him in Italian. He is associated with Sr Venturi in the Illustrated paper L’Arte in wh I am thinking of having a catalogue of my pictures at Venice published. Sir Edward & Sir Wm were much interested & excited over the subject of the D. of Wellington’s Monument in St Pauls which has been given to a Mr Tweed to be finished after having been laid by for 30 years. Tweed seems to have done a very bad statue of Cecil Rhodes & to be a pupil of Rodin’s– Poynter & others have published letters in the Times expostulating.

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