0Wednesday. 21st [January 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 21st [January 1903]. Nevil Gordon came to lunch in order to pay a visit to Sophy & when I went out driving at 3 I left them together. I went to see Lady Gregory who is staying at Q. Anne’s Mansions & is kept in by a bad cold—went on to leave cards on different friends & went to see Mr Rate & had a little talk with him & then home to tea at 5. Mr Musgrave came to tell me about the gramaphone he has kindly chosen for Mme de Plumer to present to the Sailor’s Institute at Venice & wh has not yet arrived there. Nellie returned from Brington & upset me by insisting upon going to an hotel because she found Sophy still here. I got angry, tho’ not with her, & am sorry for it now– Duncannon dined with Sophy & me.

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