0Saturday. 24th [January 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 January 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 24th [January 1903]. M. de Franqueville who had gone to Cardinal Vaughan’s about the marriage returned crestfallen to say it could not be permitted if S. adheres to her determination to be married in Eng: in a church. This is only what we had told him wd be the case. Lord Selborne came to lunch to meet him & talk over the matter & it was agreed they should try for a private chapel—the R.C.s evidently not considering that the service would be legal! I left them all discussing it & went out at 3 driving. Went to see Connie & sat some time with her & afterwards called on Miss Hogarth (Dickens’ sister in law) whom I was very glad to see again—a charming old lady– M. de Franqueville dined with So. I dined with Elaine & Ernest.

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