0Sunday. 25th [January 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 January 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 25th [January 1903]. Nellie & I went to the service at Marlboro’ Chapel & were home at 11—after which I did not go out again all day. Alice Murray came to see me in the morning. Ct de F. came to lunch & took Sophy out to pay visits in the afternoon. She returned at 5 to tea having been very coldly received by the Count’s English R.C. friends who are not pleased with her for insisting on the Ch of Eng: marriage service & already the poor Count has been excommunicated for consenting to it. Dacre DC. came to tea– Sophy went off to see Adeline Bedford & only returned to dinner with the Count, Nellie & me.

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