0Monday. 26th [January 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 January 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 26th [January 1903]. I left Sophy & the Count to lunch with Nellie & went to lunch with Adeline Bedford where I met Mrs Arkwright who as a fervent R.C. said little about Sophy’s marriage– Adeline tells me that thro’ her she hears how furious the English R.C.s are with her. Nellie called for me in the car soon after 3 & we went about doing jobs & came home to tea. Mary Alderson turned up. Nela arrived at 7 from Munich– I had to send her to Dacre’s to sleep but she dined with us—& great was her surprise when she heard after dinner from us that So. & the Count are engaged.

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