0Sunday. 1st February [1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 February 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 1st February [1903]. I went off to the Ch. Royal at Marlboro’ Hse by 10 o’clock. Saw Connie there but she remained to 2nd service so had no speech of her. Came straight home at 11 & went out no more. Gus Alderson came to lunch & also Major Cuthbertson—a friend of Nellie’s who has been thro’ the Transvaal war & was in the battle when Wauchope was lost. We had some interesting talk over electricity & went on to water divining & palmistry & apparitions—in which he evidently is a believer. He has a scientific brother it seems whom he promises to introduce to us. Blanche came to see me about 4. It grew very dark & snowed a little so she went away before tea. Mary Ald: came to tea & Mr Val Fildes called to tell us that his brother is making a marvellous recovery. Nellie & I dined with the Duncannons.

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