0Saturday. 28th [March 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 March 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 28th [March 1903]. I walked out in the morning to buy Monty a present for his birthday tomorrow & then went out again to see Mrs Rate & to take leave of the Rates. Mrs R. was ill in bed & looked very suffering. She told me that the last time she saw Malagan the Dr he had warned her that unless she took great care she will not outlive her husband & now the Dr is also gone. He had a small spot on his back & called the Drs to see to it. They found it was violent cancer & that nothing could be done & in 3 weeks he was dead. I dined with Ct & Css Lutzow to meet a large party, the Spanish Ambassador & the Dss de Mantas very pleasant people—she ½ Italian—there were besides a heap of smart people Ld & Ly Kingston, Ld & Lady Stamford, Sir Henry & Lady Chamberlain &c &c & a Mr & Mrs Nobel. She a lovely woman.

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