0Thursday. 2nd [July 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 2nd [July 1903]. Painted all the morning. Mr Harston came in rather a state to ask if I had news of Mr Sand: as he feared something might have happened to him. I told him he had recd my note. At 4 Mr Pollock came bringing with him Miss Thompson, daughter of Dr Thompson (US) also friends of my brother Arthur’s. They admired & bought 12 of my chains @ 5 lire each– Later I went to the Eden’s garden & Carry gave me lovely bunches of Oleander. The great beauty of their garden is now over—the masses of roses, succeeded by the rows of lilies—now there are only the larkspurs & oleanders. I came back to my quiet dinner at 7.30 & took a short row afterwards before going to bed.

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