0Sunday. 5th [July 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 5th [July 1903]. A sad day—9th anniversary of my great loss. How long ago it seems—& yet as if yesterday. I went to service at 10.30 & walked back after the 2nd service. I went after tea to look at what Pasquale has done in the hospital garden as he has been working there cleaning & planting in the early mornings all this week. It certainly is neat if bare– I saw a thunderstorm coming so I hurried home– There was thunder & lightening but it did not come near—so I dined at 7 & walked to the Sailor’s Institute to attend the service & walked back with Mr Harston. I had an interview yesterday with Mr Brown on Hospital affairs & asked him to settle what Dr should be called in if Dr van Someren is away when the Hospital is open. He promises to see about it. Mrs Browning came to see me this afternoon as she is going away for the summer, Dr Someren’s hospital being closed.

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