0Monday. 6th [July 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 6th [July 1903]. It was a very oppressive hot day with a distant thunderstorm growling round. I copied pictures as long as the bad light would let me—& after tea made a dash for it & took a walk to buy some beads for Mr Woods who wants to send them to a lady in Scotland. Twenty lire worth wh I got for him made such a heavy parcel that I felt I could hardly carry it home so I went to the Traghetto San Manrezio to see if they would send it home for me– I saw across the canal that the Stabilimento was closed but Mr Wood’s gondola was waiting there to bring him to dine with me—so I asked him to bring me home wh he did & stayed to dinner. It was raining & stormy in the evening & there was no going out in gondola so we sat chatting till 10 when he went away. He was very happy telling me all the last gossip about the Royal Academy wh is now his hobby. He is greatly concerned because Sir E. Poynter is unpopular with the R.A. as he never invites them to dinner.

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