0Saturday. 29th [August 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 August 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 29th [August 1903]. Nellie & I had gone one day to see old Baroness Burdett Coutts & had engaged ourselves to luncheon with her. Nellie went off to her shop & I said I would fetch her but I started off to go to a shop in Regent St. I had just gone round the corner from here into Sligo Street when who should I come upon but Princess Victor of Schaumberg Lippe the Empress Fredericks daughter walking with Herr von Blücher. I brought them back to this house & the Pss & I had a good hug & then I accompanied them back to their hotel “Browns” in Albemarle St & left them there & then went to fetch Nellie & went to the Baroness Burdett Coutts—but found we were not expected after all she having forgotten all about & we hastened home & devoured what scarce provisions we had at home. At 5 Pss Victoria came again & we drove in a hansom to Victoria park & took a walk there & saw the flowers which were perfectly beautifully arranged. Then I drove her back to her hotel & left her there & returned home quite tired.

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