0Saturday. 26th [December 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 December 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 26th [December 1903]. Was a busy day packing making arrangements—putting things straight. After lunch Nela & I went off to the Hotel Victoria to have tea with Baroness Reinelt. She had also invited the Prinseps. We were hardly hungry at that hour but she gave us an excellent spread wh any how the Prinsep boys appreciated. While we were there she had a visitor who, she whispered to me, was the Questore come to arrange with her for her protection. It is evident that her late maid is in the conspiracy. The woman who had been with her 12 years left her suddenly this summer—& had evidently robbed her often. When the woman had to undergo an operation for cancer in the hospital here last year the Baroness paid Drs, nurses, &c for her without stint! What a return for such kindness! On leaving the Reinelt I went to see the Edens & bid them good bye then hurried home. Css Canevaro & Princess Clary called also Mme Rubini & Prof. Malagola. Nela & I dined at 7.30 with the Cassis at the Prefettura. Ct & Css Colette Mocenigo, Mr Zethelius, Av: Valsecchi were of the party– A pleasant eveng.

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