0Thursday. 7th [January 1904]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1904 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 7th [January 1904]. Sir Henry Thompson called to see me in the morng. He is altho’ nearly 84 very active & bright. After lunch to wh Mary Alderson came, we walked the Wylds, she & I to see the house 27 Lower Seymour Street wh the Wylds have taken to live in. It is the upper part of a nice old house—the lower part used by a solicitor. I gave my approval. Charlie & Mary went back from there as Mary is underway to stay at Ascot. Nellie & I went to a second hand furniture shop near Gt Portland St & bought odds & ends of wh we are both in want. I went on

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