0Wednesday. 6th [April 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 April 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 6th [April 1904]. Today arrived the Hereditary P. & Princess of S. Meiningen to stay with me– I went to the station to fetch them in my gondola– The train came in at 7. They brought with them two maids and a man. I lodged the P. & Pss in the apartment on the ground floor—where last year Pss Christian had been. Princess Charlotte was very cordial & affectionate and delighted to find herself back here. It is the first time that the Prince has stayed with me– As their luggage did not come for sometime from the station they dined in their travelling dress & the Pss wore her hat. The “suite” went to the hotel.

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