0Friday. 27th [May 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 May 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 27th [May 1904]. Cav. S. Arbib brought his daughter in the morning & we made experiments as to embroidering satin with beads. We went to tea with Mr Harston & had much talk with him as to why he has resolved to give up the chaplaincy. I advised him to go & talk the matter over with Mrs Eden– It appears he is annoyed because Mr Montalba as ch: warden has the keys of the purse & wants it all handed it over to him arrears & all ever since he came here. Mr Montalba is quite amenable & ready to oblige & give in. We then went over to the garden & I talked it over with Mr Eden who undertakes to try & settle the matter. We went home & dined & then went out again for a row after dinner. It was a splendid moonlit night & quite hot.

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