0Tuesday. 7th [June 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 7th [June 1904]. Mr Montalba came & we had a long mornings work over the Cosmopolitan Hospital work—counting money received, and he taught me how I should keep the accounts. I am therefore full Treasurer now & Mr Montalba my assistant in keeping the accounts. Then I set to work for a short time to model, while Prof: Trombini paid me a visit. After lunch painted in water colours till 4 when the Dss of Noci Mocenigo & her sister Css Wallis came to call—as they leave Venice tomorrow for the country. Then came Prof: Malagola with his researches into the story of Manins daughter who married a Merryweather an Englishman. There was a clergyman as that name here who did chaplain when first we came to Venice. It is a great amusement to Malagola to make such a “chasse.” After tea I took him to the Eden’s garden & we stayed there till nearly 7. I dined as soon as I got back home. In the evening a few people came amongst them Mrs H. T. White & her daughter (of Australia). They are staying with Mr Beauchamp Browne & the girl is engaged to marry him. She is a pretty taking girl & from all I hear of the fiancé is too good for him.

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