0Wednesday. 15th [June 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 June 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 15th [June 1904]. Mr Harston called & he settled he would take his holiday in Aug. & Septr & that I should write & ask the Bishop not to come till Octr. I finished my water colour copy. In the afternoon the Cassis & Dss della Grazia called & stayed to tea– I asked the Prefect if he could get me the permission to use the cottage rooms of our hospital provisionally. He told me he would try & I must make the demand at once—so afterwards I went off to see Dr Tommasini & told him to make the proper application on stamped paper. I went also to the Eden’s garden & sat with them awhile. After dinner I went out in gondola & called on Lady Lindsay & sat a bit with her.

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