0Monday. 27th [June 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 June 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 27th [June 1904]. We had a tremendous thunderstorm and torrential rain at 6 this morning which cooled the air most agreeably & we had a cloudy day afterwards. Several people came to tea in the afternoon, the Curtis, Genl de Horsey, Mr & Mrs & Mrs Idding (U.S. secy at Rome) & their little girl, Baroness Ritter, friend of Baroness Reinelt, the Prefect & Marchesa Cassis—the latter came to say “good bye” as they are leaving Venice for good on Wednesday. I shall miss them very much. He has been a kind friend to me & helped me when he could with my hospital & she is pretty bright and affectionate—but they are very pleased to leave Venice to settle in Rome where there is a greater scope for his energies. He is an upright honest active & strong man. Italy wants a few more such people at the head of our affairs—but those very qualities make him unpopular with the general world– He is very clean looking & good looking with the keen dark eye of the East—from which his family came. He told me that in his family archives are still preserved documents in Arabic brought by his family from the East. The departure of this family makes me sad—for here one has few intimate friends. They are going to leave Venice on the sly in order to avoid having many people at the station to see them off. After my little tea party was over the Dss & I went out in gondola & calling at the Hotel Victoria for Bss Reinelt took her with us & we rowed as far as the Giardino & back down the Canal to the station—a very pleasant “gita”– After dinner we went out again on the Lagunes. There was a splendid moon & fine clouds heaped about with grand effects. It was delightfully cool.

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