60Saturday. 2nd July [1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 2nd July [1904]. Wrote in the morning. At 12.45 I went off to lunch with Mr & Mrs Curtis to meet Lord & Lady Falkland & Mr Algy Bourke. The latter was pleasant but I could not get over the idea that he is going to set up an antiquity shop on the Grand Canal in the house just bought by Mr Randolph Wemyss Palazzo Gombara. It seems such a degradation for the son of the Viceroy of India to enter into a business wh one knows no one can leave with clean hands. After lunch I went to pay a bill at Rubelli’s shop in San Vio & then came home & went out again after tea in gondola & again out after dinner.

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