0Tuesday. 5th [July 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 5th [July 1904]. Ten years today that Henry died! How long the time has seemed. One almost begins to wonder whether ones life before that was not a beautiful dream. It is stupid to keep anniversaries—but do what one can one cannot forget them. Trombini came to see me in the morning & we talked over it– His wife has been dead thirteen years—& he has (Trombini) gone every day since to her grave which he has made into a garden. After tea I went out & called on Princess Clary who was better in mind & body. Thence to the hospital. The patient slowly recovering. Then to the Eden’s garden—& found the old Genl there. Mr Eden not very well & not visible having over tired himself getting in his crop of hay at S. Erasmo– Home to dinner. Received in the eveng Ct & Css Rossini, Malagolas, Css Cais & Mlle Kwekwitsch came but all left early.

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