0Wednesday. 6th July [1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 6th July [1904]. Put finishing touches to my little figure of the fisher boy—wrote letters &c. Mr Harston called in morng. After tea I went out to the Piazza & disposed to the jeweller of the few things watch &c of Mr Baugh who died at our Hospital & for which I got 230 lire– Then went to 2 hotels on the Riva Schiavoni & asked the proprietors to put up a framed notice of the Hospital which I gave them. On returning home I found Dss Canevaro & her sister Maria Cozzi & Princess Clary who had come to bid me adieu as they are leaving Venice for the summer. After dinner I went out for a float & called for Carry Eden & took tea with me. A delightful cool night.

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