0Monday. 26th [September 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 September 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 26th [September 1904]. Mr Hailstone & Monty Alderson left this morning for Ravenna to continue their trip. In the afternoon I was walking with the rest of the party in Piazza & met Marchese & Mara Cassis who had come in to town from Belluno for the day. I begged them to come & dine & sleep at Ca’ Capello wh they did. Eda & I went over to the Giudecca to call on Miss Holland. I found her at home & talked to her about the buying of the Hospital property. I think we may come to some arrangement—tho’ she is rather difficult to treat with. Then home for dinner & entertained the Cassis. The Ex Prefect was very strong as to the unheard of behaviour as our present Prefect Ferrari. He says he would never have allowed all the power to be withdrawn & would have stood by the inhabitants & protected them during the revolution.

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