0Tuesday. 11th [October 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 October 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 11th [October 1904]. It was very wet when I woke but the weather mended before lunch & the sun came out. Mr Andrew Hichens lunched with me & then I took him out– We went to a brass worker’s where we got a few old things, thence to the Cos: Hospital– Pasquale much better & Regina has returned home. On to the Piazza where I left Mr Hichens. Called to see Carry who seemed very ailing & thinks of taking to her bed wh I urged her to do. She seems to have got a kind of catarrh d’istomac. There was a great thunderstorm in the evening abt 8 wh lasted nearly all night with heavy rain & kept many friends from coming to me– The Bishop of Rochester & his wife came, Mrs Curtis, Mr Sargent, Css Belmondo & one or 2 others but all were gone by 11 o’cl –

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