0Sunday. 8th [January 1905]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1905 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 8th [January 1905]. Went straight to bed on getting to 3 Savile Row. London on Sunday morng at that hour is curious– Not a soul in the streets except milk carts & policemen. Slept till 11 o’cl . Nellie came & also Ola Du Cane & they talked till I got up for lunch. Irène & her husband came to call. I had not seen him before. He is tall & thin & dark & not very distingué. Mr Ambo Poynter & Arthur DC. also called. The Wylds dined with me & we had great talk over Charlie’s wish to get something to do. I promised to consult Mr Burdett Coutts on the subject.

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