0Sunday. 15th [January 1905]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1905 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 15th [January 1905]. I went with Ola to the Marlborough House chapel service at 10—met Connie there coming away & she came to this house & sat talking till she went off to the other St James Chapel R. service at 12. Ola went out to service at St Paul’s in afternoon– I was alone & quiet the rest of the day except a visit from Mr Cartwright of the F.O. We talked of Mr Kennedy & his prospects of getting a new diplomatic post wh appears to be small as he once refused one in S. America. I spoke up for him & said that that was when his children were small but they were not grown up & he wd probably not have the same objection. Louis DC. came to dinner & he & I had another talk on Monty’s loan question & I found him much more reasonable & conciliatory than yesterday & I have now a faint hope that things may go better–

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