0Monday. 16th [January 1905]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 January 1905 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 16th [January 1905]. There was a tremendous frost last night & we found our waterpipes frozen– A high S.E. wind had blown all night & it was bitter & one felt it all the more as it was so sudden– I went off at noon to the Imperial Institute to interview a nurse-matron who had been sent for for me to inspect by the Colonial Nursing Assocn a Miss Buller whom we finally decided to engage to take Sister Katherine’s place when she leaves. From there I went to Onslow Gardens & picked up Connie & brought her home to luncheon. It was very cold all day & a sort of ice rain towards night & then abt midnight a sudden thaw. I went out for a short walk but soon hastened home after lunch– Nellie & C. Wyld came to tea. Ola & I spent a quiet evening & went early to bed.

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