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19 March 1905 — 3 Savile Row | |
Sunday. 19th [March 1905]. I woke very tired but was dressing to go to Marlboro’ Chapel when Connie walked in having come to go with me—but we agreed to remain quietly at home & rest—& she worked at bead necklaces as we sat talking till after one when she went to lunch at Wimborne House & I went to lunch at 17 Cavendish Square to have a last meal with Blanche & Edward before I start homeward. Our chief topic was poor Ivor’s eyesight besides the shock seems to be influencing his general health & Blanche urges me to return to England in June to see him. Verily as one grows older troubles thicken which is perhaps natural—but this last one sits heavily on all of us—for Ivor has been so good to us all since we were children. I went home to tea & then afterwards went to see Ivor & sat with him a little while. He seemed calmer today & more resigned to his fate. He brought out a cheque for £200 which he gave me saying he knew I had helped Monty in his difficulties & that he Ivor could better afford the money than I so he wished to give me this as he knew I would like to have it to spend on my Venice Hospital. I was quite taken aback & could hardly thank him for his generosity. Nela being there she walked with me to the Albany where I went in search of Monty & there left me– Monty not being in I went home & there found him waiting for me. He was also very nice to me & actually kissed me on taking leave. I don’t think we had kissed each other for years since we were boy & girl—kissing not being a custom in our family. He thanked me again & begged me to write if he could do anything to me. It warmed my heart & made me happy & proud to have been able to help him & at such a small sacrifice—tho’ the want of money is often a great trouble—the having more than one needs is no such great a joy & Ivor & I agreed today that the “greatest pleasure in life is to be able to give pleasure to others”– The Wyld couple came to dine with me & in the eveng we talked & I gave Charlie last directions as to the Mile End Road Restaurant to which he is treasurer & Nellie is my representative. I also packed my letters & papers. Blanche & Edward looked in at 11 on their way back from a dinner & I took leave of Edward & Charlie. Blanche & Nellie will accompany me to the station tomorrow. | |
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