0Tuesday. 21st [March 1905]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 March 1905 — Paris
Tuesday. 21st [March 1905]. I was glad to rest a little in the morning & then went to the dressmaker’s to order my two summer gowns. Lunched at the Hotel. Dined at La Muette with the de Franquevilles—a large dinner party & reception afterwards. I sat next to our host & was armed in by an old french gentleman who was not amusing tho’ probably clever. I made many acquaintances. After dinner—an oldish Duchesse Clermont Tonnerre a grand name—but the lady seemed like the average society dames of every country—grand & dull & she kept on yawning & did not succeed in hiding it. M. de Franqueville’s daughter Mme de Gournet was of the party, good looking, over dressed, painted & bewigged & not lively tho’ young. The drive to La Muette takes 20 minutes so that I got back rather late to my hotel.

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