0Sunday. 26th [March 1905]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1905 — Paris
Sunday. 26th [March 1905]. I walked to the Church in Rue d’Aguesseau by 11 & found the service had begun at 10.30. However I had a good sermon– Then walked to the Rue Hamelin by a rather circuitous route as I did not quite know my way—to lunch with Mme Taine—met her daughter Genvieve (Mme du Bois) & her husband, Bonat the artist—young Taine—an old American & 2 other gentlemen. Sat between Taine & his sister. She spoke with admiration & liking of Sophy & said she was a decided success at Paris & was beloved by Franqueville family. I could get no speech of Bonat as the men all retired to smoke except the old American who clung to me– Went straight back to the Hotel & had a visit from Sophy who sat with me for an hour & we took tea together. She looks forward to a visit from her brother Lord Selborne & to going soon to England to see his family before they start for S. Africa where he is to be High Commissioner & will probably not return for 5 years. I had a visit from Munir Pasha Turkish Ambr in Paris. He remembered me when he was secy to Ahmed Tefyk Pa while we were at Consple. He is a very good looking man very smart & European in looks & dress & I sighed for the fez & Turkish cut of coat to which I had been accustomed. We talked of the Sultan & recent events in Turkey– I asked him to say frankly if it were true that the Sultan had given orders for the Armenian massacre. He assured me on his word that it was not true. That the Armenians had flung bombs from their windows on Turkish troops & Turks in the street who had responded with arms—that the fault of the Sultan & Turkish Govt was in not having been quicker in giving their orders to stop the movement & that too much precious time had been lost. The Pasha told me that all dear old Ahmed Tefyk P. & male relations, sons & sons in law & brother were dead & only his wife & 2 daughters still remain alive. I dined at 8 & at 9.30 set off for the station to go to Venice. Marion Franchetti came to see me off. Sear the cook was in the train having come from London to meet me. I had a sleeping car compartment to myself.

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