0Tuesday. 18th April [1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 April 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 18th April [1905]. Still high wind. Busy writing invitations for my party of next Monday. After lunch went out with the Princess to the Piazza in gondola. Home to tea to wh P. & Pss Clary came & also Lord & Lady Cadogan & Sr Malagola– The latter arranged to go off with the Prince to Bologna tomorrow. Baroness Reinelt dined with us & entertained the party very much. She is clever & makes herself agreeable. She was bitter against the Austrian Govt for their bad government at Trieste wh she declares wd prefer to be German. A strike of the railway officials is proclaimed & caused some confusion in the country but parliament at Rome are about to make laws putting all railways under Govt military controul– The strikers have chosen this moment knowing that at Easter there is much movement in the country & will do the greater harm. On Wedy night Vere Ponsonby arrived.

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