0Monday. 3rd July [1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 July 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 3rd July [1905]. An exceedingly hot day– The ther. up to 96º Fahr. I went out late—kept everything closed & the house dark. But when at tea time I opened a window the heat of the external air almost took my breath. I went out abt 6 just to the Piazza to write my name in Q. Margherita’s book—as she leaves Venice tomorrow. I then went over in gondola to the Eden’s garden to talk over the plans for the alterations at the Cos: Hospital with Mr Eden. Found him very exhausted from the heat– Even at that hour (abt 9) the temp: was over 90º. We settled what is to be done—the cottage we have just bought of Miss Holland is to be adapted to present requirements & the house I bought last autumn is to be used for nurses & servants. After dinner I took a turn in gondola on the Grand Canal & took my maid Baker with me. There was a deal of lightening & a storm seemed coming up—but it did not break.

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