0Sunday. 9th [July 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 July 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 9th [July 1905]. I went to morning service. After lunch I had a visit from a Capt. Nievadomsky of the Garde Imperial—introduced by Baroness Kuhn & having just arrived from Cettinje he brought me back some books I had lent her– He is an agreeable Russian very European in appearance & manners. He said in the course of conversation that he does not believe in peace between Russia & Japan “Car l’armée ne le vent pas”—which amused me, considering that the Russian army is in such revolt that it can hardly be got to fight at all! I went out at about 4– Took tea with Ola & Sister C. at the hospital & then went to see the Edens at the garden & discussed the hospital plans with them. Home at 6 & at half past Bss Reinelt called for me—& we went to the public gardens & partook of lemonade & then she brought me back to the Sailor’s Institute & deposited me there—but I got there just too late for the service & merely walked home with Mr Harston—dined & did not go out again.

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