0Monday. 10th [July 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 July 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 10th [July 1905]. Studied Dante as usual in the summer after having my tea & reading the Italian papers. At 10 Sig. Mattei came & we again discussed the hospital plans. He had not gone when Sr Guggenheim came to pay me a visit. He remained some time chatting. Desideri came—talked & was succeeded by Mr Montalba to whom I consigned various monies collected for the Hos: It was 1 before they were all gone & I was exhausted & glad of my lunch. At 4 I went out in gondola—to pay calls. I only found Mr & Mrs Humphreys Johnson at home in their charming garden at the Madonna dell’Orto. I had tea with them & much talk about their troubles about their desire to buy the garden next them in order to get rid of a factory with a huge chimney. I promised to see if Sr Arbib wd help them & recommended them to employ Sr Mattei Trigomi– Mr Johnson is to come & meet the latter here tomorrow morng. Got home about 6. Very soon after Mr Arbib came to tell me in great haste & secrecy that he had found out that the 2 small houses next the Cos: Hos: which I want to buy are probably to be had at 5000 lire. He had with him Sr Cortina the manager of the Bead depôt at the Madonna dell’Orto & I showed him this house & pictures. It was 8 before they left me so I dined & went out in the eveng in gondola. It was a splendid moonlit night. Went in search of Ola & found her & Sister C. sitting in the Eden garden & carried them off in gondola for a “float.” It has been pretty hot today.

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