0Tuesday. 11th [July 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 July 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 11th [July 1905]. The Architect came again in the morning about the hospital plans, to say he had been to the Provincial Dr with our plans & they were approved Dr Wolner being in a softened mood towards us. Mr Johnson also came to meet Mattei as I recommend him to engage him as his agent. Like a true Italian Dr W. wants to make me spend more than I need over the hospital with the idea that the English are all millionaires. After lunch I continued my copy of the Bellini & had a visit from Mme Vallarelli the Prefect’s wife to ask me to leave a little longer with her the Italian lady who is coming to our hospital to learn to be a nurse. Of course I agreed– At 6.30 Bss Reinelt called for me in gondola & we went to the Pub: Gardens & partook of the usual lemonade “spremuta” & then home again. Very hot night. My last reception. Ola & Sister Constance came also Css Valmarana & Css Vallier, the Revils & Montalbas.

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