0Monday. 24th [July 1905]—Tile House, Uxbridge, Middlesex
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 July 1905 — Tile House, Uxbridge, Middlesex
Monday. 24th [July 1905]. Nellie, her mother & I walked to the Fisheries to call on Mrs Goodlake a neighbour. We went thro’ the Tile House Park & on crossing the road were on Mrs G’s property. Her cottage is built close down to the River Colne—a most lovely spot—tho’ the view from the Tile House is more extensive & the air cooler. The house, stables & gardens, bathing & boat house are most perfect & kept up regardless of expense. They are also reservoirs for breeding trout & we saw fine large fellows darting about under the reeds. Mrs G. received us most cordially & when we departed accompanied us to the end of her garden. It was a bright hot day. In the afternoon Adl Sir Vesey Hamilton came to tea—a nice old gentleman who had plenty to tell us of the places he had been to–

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