0Monday. 14th [August 1905]—Foliejon Park, Winkfield, Berkshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 August 1905 — Foliejon Park, Winkfield, Berkshire
Monday. 14th [August 1905]. Mrs Whitaker & I went up to town by 11 a.m. train. I went first to Savile Row & then fetched Nellie at Cav. Sqr & we walked up to Lower Seymour St & I lunched with her & Charlie. Went on to Dorking by 4 o’cl train & got there at abt 5.30. Had sent on Baker by cross journey from Windsor with luggage– Found both Mr & Mrs Rate wonderfully well. Mr Rate much recovered from his stroke– She it appears had been wrongly treated by a London Dr who said she had a desease wh she has not got–

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