0Thursday. 31st August [1905]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 August 1905 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 31st August [1905]. I went off in the morning to see Hallam Murray at his office in Albemarle St to tell him about my trip to India & ask him to tell me of books to read on the subject. He promised to send me names & presented me with a handbook on India– I returned home & met Nellie & we were just starting off for her house when Mr Vigor the painter came in. I had not seen him for a couple of years & he came in chancing to pass by. He told us he was doing very little work—that the R. Academy was boycotting him! that he would like to have an Exhibition next year in Bond St if he could only get “some celebrities” to sit for their portraits—& asked me to help him to this. Altho’ he is so aggravatingly self satisfied, one felt sorry for the man who has no talent & has neither education nor imagination. When I told him that I was just starting off abroad & later to India he said “Oh how lucky I should have caught you! I shall just have 40 winks with you.”! Nell & I had a difficulty in keeping our countenances. On his departure I gave Florence the housemaid my last instructions & went with Nellie in a hansom to 27 Lower Seymour St & lunched with Charlie & Nellie & then they took me to Charing X station & saw me off by 2.20 train. Had a perfectly smooth passage. Got into sleeping car at Calais—dined in Restaurant Car.

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