0Saturday. 9th [September 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 9th [September 1905]. This morning’s papers say there are disturbances in Japan against the peace wh is not liked there– They also give an account of a bad earthquake in Calabria & many killed. There has been horrible fighting between Tartars & Armenians. Terrible railway accidents in another place—in fact today we have been well fed with horrors by the press. I asked Lady Helen Vincent to come to tea but she excused herself. The Curtis Byards, Genl de Horsey & Iduna Belmondo came—so that I got out late. After dinner Mr Daxey (from Boston US) came to see me & tell me of the death of his only son just gone out into life attaché at Séoul—a terrible blow to the family. Ola came afterwards & I took her home to the hospital in gondola & then took a turn by moonlight before I returned home to bed.

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