0Wednesday. 8th [November 1905]—En route to India
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 November 1905 — En route to India
Wednesday. 8th [November 1905]. Not much to record today. All the world getting excited at the prospect of the near end of the voyage. I went over to the 2nd saloon to pay my visit to Mrs Preston in the morning. This evening there was a fancy ball. I got up Mrs Harrington as a Spanish lady & she looked her part to perfection—having Spanish blood in her veins & being very dark with fine eyes. After dinner I arranged Corise as a Turkish woman in yashmak & ferace. There were not even then about 25 ladies in costume—those who had made up them on the spur of the moment were the most amusing. They marched round in procession; after I had seen this I retired to my cabin. The MacLeans did not join in the affair—being too exclusive. In the 2nd class there was also a fancy dress affair so that the whole ship was in movement.

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