0Saturday. 7th [April 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 7th [April 1906]. Dr van Someren asked to see me on urgent business & when he came at 9 a.m. it was to tell me that Sister Barradaile was obliged to resign the matronship of the hospital. She had consulted him & he had recommended her to take 6 months rest as her nerves were quite gone. She had not liked to tell me this altho’ I had been with her several times this week. He says she is an excellent nurse but has no head for a matron. He says he sent us in a patient who had developed diphtheria & talked of sending in another. He evidently is softening towards my hospital & enclined to be friendly. I at once telegraphed to Ola to help to find me a matron to replace Sister B. I had an intuition that she would not be a success, & when in India, I got Ola’s letter to say she was leaving her in charge I at once knew I must return home & look after my own business! This business was hardly over when Giuseppe came to say the new Italian footman was ill & he sent for Dr Sacchi. The latter declares the lad has a febbre infettivo & recommended me to sent him to the hospital– This I did at once under Giuseppe’s care. Wrote to Ola & Miss Dalrymple Kay about the matron– After lunch Carry Eden came in & sat talking for an hour. Then I went off to the hospital & interviewed Sister B. & told her I would relieve her of her post as soon as possible. Went to Mme Emetaz to ask her to find out why the little Italian cook we engaged for the hospital has cried off. Came home to sea & sat quiet having no visitors.

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