0Monday. 23rd [April 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 23rd [April 1906]. St Georges Day. Today the Bishop consecrated our church. It was a very beautiful ceremony. Beginning at 10.30. The service began with a kind of procession. At the door of the vestry someone read a paper begging him to do the service– He then came up the centre preceded by the 2 church wardens, 2 aldermen & Canon Ragg & followed by 2 clergy acting as chaplains (Lance & Sanders). The Bishop was dressed in cape & mitre– He proceeded to bless the new windows, one to Henry’s memory, & one to Ambr Sir H. Wotton—then the Font, the Altar, the Lectern &c &c after wh the Holy Communion was administered. The music was well done. The whole ceremony was impressive & decorous. It lasted about 1 hour. To me personally it was very touching, seeing how Henry had given the building—& it was to me like a service in his memory. When the service was over & the Bishop had packed his vestments we hurried home to luncheon & directly after he & Mrs Collins hurried off to the station & left by 2.40 train for Naples where they will embark for Malta & Consple. The life of the Bishop must be a terribly trying one—in constant movement—as his diocese extends from Lisbon to Odessa in the S. of Europe. He is wonderfully energetic & a splendid man of business– His expressive countenance is saintly. He is also very learned & a great scholar. As soon as he & Mrs Collins had left me I turned my attention to Miss Chitty the new matron to the Hospital who arrived last night at midnight & slept here. I explained as well as I could to her the state of the business wh owing to the illness of Sister B. is in great confusion. I then took her over to the Hospital & handed her over the loose cash and left her there, hurrying home to receive Mr Percy Armitage & his sister who were to bring Princess Reuss & her son & daughter in law Prince & Pss Henry of Reuss to tea. I got home rather late. They waited for me– Dr Lord also came bringing Mr & Mrs Tata of Bombay to see the pictures. Quite late Mme Hilmy Pasha called– She had heard that I had had a day of “emotions” & the good little soul came to sympathise with me. I certainly have gone thro’ a great deal today tho’ with endless regrets has been mingled with thanksgiving that Henry’s gift should be appreciated to its full. How curious also it is to look back & remember that when the church was first started one of our colony declared that it was not wanted & we had done very well without.

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