0Tuesday. 24th [April 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 24th [April 1906]. At 11 Mr Hulton came to call & I went out with him on foot to Hotel Victoria to see Angela Reinelt whom I found very depressed owing to the unkindness of a lady here who is nervous & worries her. I wonder the more at this as Angels confessed to me that for some years passed she makes a present yearly of 11000 lire to her! There is relationship & no tie but that of friendship between them—& the lady in question is rich & a Duchess! I cheered Angela as best I could & then hurried home to entertain Mr & Miss Armytage & the 2 Misses Longman at lunch (latter daughters of the publisher) & 2 pretty damsels. When they left I went off to the hospital to interview Miss Chaffey & make a list of things she wants. Then went to tea with Mrs Hulton opposite S. Giov. e Paolo & found a large party assembled. I brought Mme Wiel to her home. En route she told me how badly she had been treated at the Civil Hospital when she went there, as usual to visit the sick. One of the frate accused her of proselytizing– Had said a proof of it was that several of the dying had recently refused the last Sacraments. She indignantly denied it & had discontinued going there for some time. So it shows that Venice is still as bigotted as ever! During the altercation between the friar & Mme Wiel the patients were gathered at the door of the ward listening & were furious at the affront put on her—& the whole affair had been the talk of the hospital amongst the Drs & patients. A committee of R.C. ladies was then formed for visiting but they do not go much—not being brought up to doing so as we are– I had my usual evening reception today & had a large gathering of people mostly English of the Colony & travellers.

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