0Tuesday. 10th [July 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 July 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 10th [July 1906]. The Architect Radaelli came at 5.30 to talk to me of his building plan for the Hospital. I could make little impression upon him. However he carried away the plan to restudy the question of expenses &c. As soon as he had left I went out in gondola & met Malagola at St Moisé. Took him for an airing, returned in time for dinner. In the evening Signor Sorges came & the only other was Mrs Stanyer. Sorges was when eating & gave much information on the municipal Govt of this town. He also told me that the expense of the Civil Hosp. falls on the Municipality & costs £80 a day. Malagola did not come, his head not yet being cured– He leaves Venice tomorrow. It was a heavy scirocco today & overcast all the day but no rain.

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