0Wednesday. 7th [November 1906]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 November 1906 — Rome
Wednesday. 7th [November 1906]. Olga & I drove off at 10 with Mr Phipps & Mr Halitet to the Rag Fair in the Piazza dei Fiori to look for old stuffs &c. It is a kind of daily fair & was very amusing to see the owners of antiquity shops have also their booths there—but I must say I found nothing very tempting. The Cassis had taken the Alderson family out to Frascati in their motor. I drove to the Villa Pamphili with the Ambr & Olga– Several people came to tea & later Kate & Eda arrived rather exhausted the motor having broken down before they got to Frascati so that they had had to walk part of the way & to return by railway. The Aldersons leave for England tomorrow morng their holiday being over. There was a dinner party at the Embassy to which came P. & Pss Jane San Faustino, Mrs Hunter & Mr Sargent. In the middle of dinner I had to leave the table & go to the station to take the 9.10 train for Milan. I was very sorry to leave after a very pleasant stay of a fortnight & much kindness from the host & hostess. I had a sleeping berth & a comfortable journey reaching Milan on

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