0Saturday. 11th May [1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 May 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 11th May [1907]. The morning’s papers give the news of the birth yesterday of the 1st child of the King of Spain. The date given out probable was the end of March so there has been a good deal of surprise & talk over it and everyone is pleased. It is also a good thing that it should be a son & thus settle the succession to the throne. We are having extraordinarily hot weather here after unusually cold a week ago. 28º is more like July heat. Count Seckendorff, Princess Thurn & Taxis, Mrs George Forbes (née Dudley Ward), my sister Constance, Miss Elinor Hallé are staying with me. We all breakfasted in our rooms. About 11 Baroness Reinelt telephoned from the Hotel Victoria that she wanted to see me– I set out in gondola with Nettie Forbes & Connie & went to the Hotel. Found Angela much disturbed as she has just heard from Dss Canevaro that her sister Maria Cozzi has gone mad. The brother did the same abt 3 years ago & died soon after– Both the parents died mad– Poor thing. What an unhappy family. I would go there at once but it was told as a secret. I returned home by the traghetto. Lunched at 1—when we all met united. Mr Lambert Middleton & his cousin Miss M. came to call at 3—travellers who brought me a letter of introduction. Then Mrs Cummings Bruce & Miss Violet Russell—who came thro’ Miss Loch the former lady to Pss Christian– She is young, pretty & sprightly. Her husband died in the Boer war. At 4 Lady Helen Vincent called for me & I took her to Css Gabriella Brandolin to introduce her– She is a nice little woman, daughter of the D. della Grazia & lives in the mezzanin of the Palazzo Brandolin—next to where Lady Helen has got an apartment. Lady H. is a beautiful woman & dresses beautifully– One defect she has, she rouges her cheeks—wh gives her a false look. It is said she is deathly pale & has to do it. I like her very much. She brought me home before 5 & I had several people to tea—Mme Villari the wife of the senator, Major Armstrong & Mr Chirol (of the Times) & Lady Stirling, also M. & Mme Francois Arago who came in a yacht & who wrote asking to see the pictures here. I invited them to tea & found them very pleasant people & they admired this house wh of course pleased me. When they were all gone I took Connie & Elinor Hallé to the Della Grazias who were “receiving” in their garden at the Vendramin Palace. There we remained an hour. Stopped at the Sailor’s Institute on the way home & saw the new manager Mr Royon to encourage him as he has some difficulties in settling down. His wife & daughter were out. Netty Forbes had been to the Exhibition with Sr Malagola. After dinner the party sat down to play “bridge” & Netty & I went off to our beds—both tired. Great & unusual heat.

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