0Saturday. 18th [May 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 May 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 18th [May 1907]. Today directly after luncheon Count Seckendorff & Pss Thurn & Taxis left me for Vienna—having been with me about a fortnight– It was not a bit warm & a thunderstorm continued most of the day, coming down in sheets of rain in the afternoon so that we only got out late. Connie took Cor: Sarabji to pay the Curtis a visit as I know they love to talk over India. I went to the Piazza with Blanche & Edward. Augusta Gregory went her own way with her boy & Mr Yeats & lunched out with them. Robert G. dined with us.

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